New Routine For This Diabetic

So, I’ve started a new exercise routine with a buddy. Cycling at 5:30AM.  It’s been fantastic.  Road bikes + lights + no traffic on the roads = awesome.

I basically wake up at 4:45AM, dial back my basal insulin rate on my OmniPod 50% for period of one hour. Then, I eat a ThinkThin protein bar and take off.  I also drink a drink called Spark while on my ride to keep blood sugar up and steady.

Here’s the nerdy data from our ride…

Strava Map

Favorite Low Blood Sugar or Pre – Exercise Snack

I have an absolute addiction to this snack. It’s really a great source of energy and is delish.

ThinkThin bars have hit the health food scene with massive popularity. They are gluten free bars with high protein options. I only buy one flavor. CHOCOLATE FUDGE. I mean, come on people. How can you beat chocolate fudge?  One reason why I love this bar so much is the texture. It has a soft, chewy texture like fudge should have.  However, the taste is FANTASTIC as well.  You don’t taste that chemical taste you get in a lot of other protein bars or weight loss snacks.

Prior to exercise, I’ll knock down a Thinkthin bar and dial my insulin basal back to about 50%, more or less depending on the strain of the exercise plan that day.

When my blood sugar is low, it’s a great snack too.  Fast reacting because of the chocolate base, but really filling and long lasting too with the protein at 20g.  It’s a 240 calorie snack, so you can’t eat 5 a day plus your normal meal schedule. I find them to be great treats in the hustle and bustle of a diabetic day or week. This is just one of many great tips I love to offer. If you want more access to this kind of information, sign up here!


Chocolate Fudge

Thinkthin Diabetic Cyclist

Nutritional Numbers

Don’t forget to sign up for exclusive updates and great tools for diabetes management! Click Here!

Delivering Bolus – OmniPod Insulin Management System Rocks

OmniPod Insulin Management System

I love my OmniPod tubeless insulin pump. Love it. I love it more than a bacon cheeseburger with BBQ sauce on it.

I’ve had it for two years now. It’s not without occasional technological flaws(typically the user’s fault), but at the end of the day it is the best insulin delivery system for me. Type 1 Diabetes is all about structure and control. The more you stay on top of it, the more victory you experience over it.  To accomplish this, you need tools that are smart, ahead of the curve and functional.  Considering your pancreas doesn’t work any more, something has to take it’s place…

OmniPod PDM

My #1 tool for fighting Type 1 Diabetes


Here is the OmniPod packaged up. You replace them every three days or so.

Insulet Corporation produces the OmniPod and it has changed my life. The pump itself is tubeless, allowing you maximum movement while you wear it. The Pod has an adhesive that sticks to your body and then, through a short process, quickly injects a plastic canula(tube) just under your skin that delivers the insulin into your tissue.  The computer itself is a genius use of technology as it supports your lifestyle. You can literally make changes and modifications to your plan at any point. The features of the OmniPod can be viewed at this link. Some of my favorite include: temporary basal adjustments, the 200 unit reservoir, the smallness of the Pod, programmable alerts/reminders, the carb/glucose adjustment capabilities for bolus and more.

If you are a diabetic or a parent of a diabetic, I would strongly recommend the OmniPod. Talk to your doctor today and get the ball rolling. It is a game changer. Don’t let Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 take your control from you.

I’d love for you to ask questions or tell me about your current insulin system. Enter in the comments section or comment on FACEBOOK or TWITTER.

Sign up to receive the FREE Diabetic Management Tool HERE.

Everything Was Fine Til I Ran Out of Insulin

Omnipod Ran Out While I Was In A Loud Room


So, when you’re in a loud room for an extended amount of time and your Omnipod Insulin delivery stops…and you can’t hear the alarm beeps…your blood sugar will go up. It’s as predictable as gravity, except Dexcom G4 readings look more like a slow floating helium balloon. That just happened to me. Luckily, I caught it before it got too bad and counter bolused. It’s not always that “clean”.

Speaking of blood sugar management, be sure to download our free Glucose Management Tool over to the top right sidebar. Hopefully, it will add to your routine success.

FREE Glucose Management Tool

Free Glucose Management Tool

Blue CircleDo you ever feel like things are getting a little out of control with your lifestyle as a diabetic? Circumstances, schedules, food decisions, etc. all become variables that we have to navigate correctly or face the consequences.  Do you ever feel that way? Well, you’re not alone…

If you’re like me, you need all the help you can get managing your diabetes. So, in an effort to help you correct your “course” or at least add a little more structure to what you currently are doing, I’m providing a simple tool that might add value to your day.

I’ll email it to you personally. Simply fill out the below and I’ll be in touch with The Glucose Management Tool provided by The Diabetic Cyclist.

Click HERE To Sign Up!!

Saturday Morning Ride – Wet and Chilly – Great Glucose

I rode solo this morning on what started out as a beautiful overcast fall day(coolest day yet)…then it started raining just when I was past the point of no return. So, I decided to tough it out and ride off the breakfast I had eaten without taking a bolus of insulin. Had I not, I would have been facing a severe hyperglycemic dilemma.  Still, I managed to set a couple PR’s while riding a route I’ve only rode twice before. The one particular challenge from today that I’m proud of is climbing a steep hill off of Cherokee Road that always looks down on me in arrogance each time I ride by. Today as I past it by once again, in fear and trembling, something came over me and I yanked myself left onto the foot of the climb. Once I had committed, there was no turning back.  I had to come out of the saddle once to push my way through the top half of the hill. It wasn’t too long, but it was deceptively steep.  Below are my stats and some pics from the ride. Enjoy.

Strava Stats

Not a long day, but a good hard burn.

Monster Hill

I tackled this hill today. Hurt so good.

From the top

From the top

Beautiful Mountain Brook Road

Beautiful Mountain Brook Road

Dexcom G4 Reading

I like to start out my rides a little above 200 with no bolus. Gradually increasing intensity sustains the blood glucose levels and provides a solid workout.

OmniPod Central Command

OmniPod Central Command

This is where it all happens for this Type 1 Diabetic. Central command for all things insulin, carb counting and blood glucose testing.

Although, I’ve been having some difficulties with the generation pods. Since August, I’ve had 9 pods go on the fritz while either wearing them or preparing them for use. Insulet, the maker of OmniPod, has been gracious and replaced all of them. The problem is that each time one stops functioning, it wastes insulin that is in the pods internal resevoir(I use Apidra insulin and love it). So, the burden falls to managing prescription refills and health insurance protocols…headache city.

Nonetheless, the tubeless insulin pump therapy that OmniPod offers is astounding. Lots of freedom. Better control than I’ve ever had over my blood sugar levels(A1C) and with little hassle while wearing them.

I strongly suggest insulin pump therapy if you are a diabetic and are still using injections. Ask your doctor about it. Life changer. There are lots of great pumps out there. I simply love my OmniPod.

New generation OmniPod is smaller and carries same amount of insulin.

New generation OmniPod is smaller and carries same amount of insulin.

Sunday Morning Ride – Great Blood Sugar and Great Route

My buddy Beej and I took a beautiful stroll around Mountain Brook, AL this morning burning a little over 1,000 calories. Blood glucose started out at about 135 after a trusty peanut butter and honey sandwich along with one of my favorite snacks, a Think Thin chocolate fudge bar(200 calories, gluten free). Glucose never rose above 200 and never went below 100. I didn’t bolus until AFTER the ride, and I took 5 units. All in all, I’d say today was one of the few days where I “nailed” it in terms of riding with Type 1 Diabetes. 


Saturday Morning Ride – Blood Sugar, Strava and Cycling

Saturday morning rides are second only to Sunday morning rides on a road bike. I love waking up, eating a peanut buttter/honey sandwich and hitting the road. I don’t bolus either. No insulin. Especially if I’m about to pound out 20+ miles on the road. I’ll be burning up about 1200 calories anyway, so glucose control is much easier. Start high, end just right. I even sometimes bolus slightly right after a ride because I notice my blood sugar shoots up when it starts catching up on the carb intake I use during the ride(juice and glucose tablets).

Strava Screenshot

Morning Bike Ride

My bike and a beautiful day.

Dexcom G4 CGM

My blood sugar during my ride. Then my signal disconnected. Not sure why.


BOLUS – In medicine, a bolus (from Latin bolus, ball) is the administration of a medicationdrug or other compound that is given to raise its concentration in blood to an effective level. The administration can be given intravenously, by intramuscularintrathecal or subcutaneous injection.